
Sunday, August 19, 2012

j2me SDK mobile by Mumey

j2me sdk mobile is a compiler plus source code editor for java enabled mobile phones. It means that users can create and compile j2me applications directly in their mobile. This application is old, yet it is the best available compiler so far. It also have the option to directly add external jar file packages.
The files and folders created by it is similar to netbeans in structure. It is able to compile the files, and create jar and jad files in approximately 1 minute. I have used it in my s60v3, and it works great. Also, if your phone doesn't allow to edit and create jar files, then in the application, go to settings, and then rename the created jar files to _jar from .jar. Then whenever you want to install the created jar file, you can rename it back to .jar. The application is also signed. If the signed don't works, then use the jar file directly.

Download Link:


  1. sorry for distrubing you but i just want to share the articel about J2ME
    let's check this link :
    i wish that article can be usefull

    1. Thank you for giving the link....
      It will be surely helpful to many !
